I committed to post valuable info here. And I am not breaking my promis to you.
I didn't post new stuff on purpose.
And this purpose is very importnat - it's called patience.
Before you start shaping your body, you have to shape up your mind.
Please do not disregard this info. It is crucial for your personal success - shape up your mind first and do not rush!
Trust me. I've been there. Was trying million "FAST DIETS" - it's not gonna work. It is a waste of your time and efforts. You've been living with that body that you have now for a long time. So, if you decided to change something, do not look for a quick solutions - there is non. Set your mind on a journey instead - journey to discover your new you - and I can tell you from experience, it is really fascinating.
Your STEP # 1 is:
Setting up your mind by visualizing your goal.
This is it.
FIND it and live for some time with seeing yourself there. You can wait one more day before you start your new life. Spend this day (or a couple of days) with visualizing your new you - it is important.
Set up your personal goals. Visualize them. Print pictures if necessary and put them on your fridge.
You have to realize what your goals look like. You have to see how the end result looks like. Otherwise it is not gonna work.
So, pick up your look. Print it. And set your mind on that. This is your homework for tonight.
So, pick up your look. Print it. And set your mind on that. This is your homework for tonight.
Ready. Steady. Go!