So, pick up your look. Print it. And set your mind on that. This is your homework for tonight.
Monday, December 26, 2011
I've got my mind set on...?
So, pick up your look. Print it. And set your mind on that. This is your homework for tonight.
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Another brick in the wall
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
There are few options on what to do at 6:30 am.
Thursday, December 1, 2011
I've been asked million times: "What motivates u?" -
The answer is: "My internal personality".
Nothing and nobody else. My source of motivation is inside me. That is why it is always with me. That is why I achieve goals. That is why I move forward. If you need a motivation or a motivator, I think you should not look for it outside. World is constantly being changed. People come and go, things disappearing, so don't let your goals to be dependent on them. Everything you need is already in you. You just need to make some efforts and find the source.
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
an Early bird
I can sleep 12 hours a day. I can sleep like you wouldn't believe.
But life is too short and I want to get as much as I could out of it.
Last Thursday I started another experiment. I decided to change my workout routine.
Now my alarm wakes me up at 5:48am. 2 minutes to talk to myself and kick my ass to the washroom.
Have my 15 min prep and at 6:15am I am on my bus heading work.
Here is what I can tell you guys – there is another life at 6am.
There is a hidden, secret society of people who're thoroughly hiding from "9am folks". They breath, they talk and they are awake.
First day I went to the gym in the morning, I have mistakenly thought that I am gonna have a personal bus driver… Right…a personal bus driver… I was lucky enough to get a seat.
Einstein was so damn right - time is relative.
What takes me 15 minutes at 5:30pm, transforms to 3 min at 6am. At 6:18 I am at my gym’s entrance. And if 30 min ago I was in a deep sleep, now I am totally awake (thanks to fresh November mornings!).
And I am working out. For the next 60 minutes. It is a great feeling. To raise an arm with a barbell and see how the sun is rising after it.
Ladies, here is why morning cardio is good for you:
- After waking up your body has a lower (compare to the evening) level of glycogen (Carbs). By working out in the morning, you can get to the point when you start burning fat much faster.
- You are increasing your metabolism and continue burning calories after the session – and you keep this stage longer than if you’d do it in the evening and go to sleep after.
- You charge yourself for the whole day. While most of people are sleepy and sluggish, you are fresh and happy.
- You save an extra hour (or two) for your evening!
Should you try? J
Btw, if you think that “1 week before the beach season is opened is gonna be enough”, you are SOO wrong. Even if you are skinny by nature. “Skinny” and “Shaped” are two totally different conditions of your body.
P.S. I am healthy and don’t have any heart issues. If you have any concerns regarding your health, talk to your doctor first. Don’t read blogs or try to find an answer on the internet. Have a health examination and if everything is alright, go ahead and join me!
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Так неслышно подкрадывающееся
И обволакивающее, словно облако.
Погружая в озеро бесстрастия и безжелания,
Ограждая от близкого, от нужного и, даже, от одинокого.
Я ненавижу тебя, мое одиночество -
Подстерегающее меня, когда я,
Быть может, счастлива. Разрушая ореол
Хрупкой надежды и верования, пусть хоть и мнимого
Моего присутствия, моего желания и моего участия.
Я люблю тебя, мое одиночество -
Каждый раз испытывающее меня
В минуты отчаяния. И спасающее
От вездесущей суетности, кажущегося действия,
Дающих людям пустые надежды и хромающие обещания.
Я благодарю тебя, мое одиночество -
Дарующее время и спокойствие,
Мне так необходимые.. Для осознания
Прошлого, настоящего, вечного, если желаете.
И соединения разбитых осколочков сердца во вновь единые.
13.11.02 г.
Диджитали ёрз (19 Июня, 2008)
А читать - в 3...
А потом я посмотрела мульт, в котором был козлёнок (по-моему), который всех считал - а социим этого не любил.. Не признавал, так сказать.
А потом он (козлёнок), благодаря тому, что как-то раз (в нужный момент) посчитал часть социума, спас ему (социуму) жизнь...
С тех пор социум признал цифры..
И понеслось..
Я в этом мире идентифицируюсь по множеству цифр..
У моего компа (что равносильно "меня") есть IP.
У моей кредитки тоже вполне внятные цифры.
Моя поликлиника идентифицирует меня по номеру.
Ресторан, в котором я питаюсь, также опознает во мне любимого клиента благодаря идентификационному номеру моей карточки почетного гостя.
Внешнему миру все равно, как меня зовут и как я выгляжу.
Для внешнего мира я - это цифры..
В том числе, и цифры моего банковского счета.
Мне нравится
И уверенные - на уровне клеток.
Тихо и ласково - около уха;
И с напряжением, чтоб ток из разеток.
Мне нравятся с внутренним, чтоб как магнитом;
Возможно и с внешним, но очень редко.
Чтоб не зашоренные по всем орбитам -
И чтоб разговоры без стен и разметок.
Мне нравится вывернуть все наизнанку
И не ограничивать временем место.
Мне нравится вечером, днем, спозаранку.
И когда тихо, и если оркестр.
Мне нравятся сложные и чтобы сложно.
И чтобы разные пласты восприятия.
И чтоб не "сразу" - но "в принципе" можно.
И чтобы не просто одни лишь занятия.
Мне нравятся умные, чтоб не разжевывать,
Мне нравится, чтоб половина слова,
Мне нравится тонко выгравировывать
И все побудительные глаголы.
Мне нравится в струнах натянутость голоса;
Чувствовать пятками неровности пола.
Стоять на краю и расчерчивать полосы.
И действа не только на уровне слова
Но что-то забыто... на что-то забито -
И что-то разменяно на компромиссы.
Больше молчим - ведь молчание - золото.
Страна без чудес, да и я не Алиса :)
Mind the Gap
Плюётся неосторожно -
Ему бы сейчас напиться,
Но он лишь смеется безбожно.
Ему бы сейчас моей ласки,
Ему бы сейчас моей нежности -
Но он лишь несется по крайности
На встречу себя неизбежности.
Дорог невыбранных тысячи,
Событий не прожитых вечности
Уверенность в каждом движении.
От точки прийти к бесконечности.
Смыслов нечеткое множество
Где и кого еще ждали мы?
Тринадцатое измерение -
Это объем моей талии.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
4 TTC Employees
It's all about details. Not only the country you live in, but everything in our lives is about details.
I was on my way to the office today and I am using the TTC (which is not always stand for "Take The Car"). Normally, I should be at work around 10am - 10:30am. Today I was a bit earlier. And looks like 8:30 am is a sort of rush hour in the Yonge and Bloor. I've never seen so many people in the subway. But what I liked is the way how everything was organized. Yonge line platform was separated into two parts and one of the parts was only for those people who were getting out of Bloor line.
One of two exits (between two lines) was only for those who were getting in and the second only for those who were getting out - everything was controlled by 4 TTC employees. The crowd was organized. So, how many people does it take to change a light bulb?..
I understand that that scheme simply can't be applied to the Moscow subway - there are too many people there. And it's not even about controlling there. It's more about lack of capacity.. and laziness. However, I am not an expert - I am just talking from my experience as a user.
So, yes.. It's all about details. Paying attention on that small thing such as "too many people in the Yonge and Bloor subway station between 8:30am-8:50am " leads to increased level of usability. Which leads to increased level of people's satisfaction. And eventually it all leads to the fact that you know that people do care about each other. Even if you only know that on a subconscious level - you still know that.
Small things that can make you a bit happier: Morning smile… little white daisy… 4 TTC employees. :)
Take care!
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Mostly I experiment with food I eat and workouts I do.
I am not eating meat for the last 2 years, although I am not a vegan - I do love milk and cheese, and seafood. The significant improvement in the way how my body feels I started experience on my 3rd week (since I stopped eating meat) - maybe you know that feeling when you are about to fly? When you feel so much energy in your body so you are mentally and physically ready to go up in the air without any equipment but just in the way you are? I feel that from time to time.
Moreover, I don't want to take a nap right after my lunch - it's not a magic. :) I just don't waste my energy on meat digesting. Instead, I try to eat food that can energize me and can be easily digest.
I do believe that we are what we eat.
And I do believe that there is no rules, but the one should listen to their body.
I noticed huge changes. There was a period in my life, when I needed to sleep from 3pm-4pm. I couldn't fight it. I couldn't do anything about it. I just needed to sleep that 1 hour. No matter how many hours I slept the night before. I don't need that extra hour, after I changed my diet.
I read a lot about nutritions and food digesting. And based on everything I know by now, I can formulate the following statements that work for me:
- unprocessed food (like raw vegetables, fruits) instead of processed (pasta, pizza)
- steamed/baked/ boiled instead of fried/deep fried
- water (or green tea) instead of juices
- natural flavors (lime, lemon juices or natural sweeteners) instead of salt/sugar/mayonnaise
And if we are talking about carbohydrates and protein recommendation for those who want to lose weight then:
Carbo in the morning
Carbo and/or protein during lunch time
Protein in the evening
and workout routine!
I will share my experience with different workouts shortly.
Stay tuned! :)