Saturday, January 18, 2014

Parallel Worlds

Parallel worlds.

A week ago I had an appointment scheduled midtown and Ilya needed to go to Niagara. I said: 'not a problem, take the car and I'll take the TTC'.
First thing I saw when I entered the subway train: 

"Are you thinking about suicide?". 

Well, actually, no, but after I read that, I started. 
(However, thinking about suicide might be quite a norm after not being in TTC for a while..)

Is that ad actually normal? I understand that there is no such a thing as 'norm' these days, but is that the right approach to help those who are actually thinking about suicide?.. And those who do not think about it, is it normal to see every day that ad on their way home/work/elsewhere? I assume that after a while people stop paying attention consciously, but what about subconscious?   

Today I read one of my friends post about teen gays in small russian towns. It was about one teenager who is actually quite in a state of starting to think about suicide. And as much as I do not like all those 'hypothetical talks' recently, I wonder, would that Toronto subway ad made more good or harm for him?. Long time ago I watched an interview with one girl - she had anorexia and she was able to cure herself. I remember she said that people who tried to bring logic to someone who has anorexia would never help - as it's a psychological disease and at that point brain does not accept any ideas except for an idea to be super-thin. So, logic simply wont work for them and even death seems to be acceptable - as long as they will be thin. 

Thinking about suicide is a psychological state too. So, maybe there is no need in such an aggressive ad which, from my point of view, can affect more people who do not think about it rather than those who really need help.

Plus we live in a constantly changing world. New second is a good enough reason for another portion of news to appear. Our attention period is 3 seconds. For 3 seconds we only can read "Are you thinking about suicide?", Next! 

Maybe I am wrong - maybe I live in a shallow world driving every day and only see sunshine from my car interior. Maybe my brain become soft and refined by observing the beauty of the city. And maybe the message has been delivered correctly.  
Different words trigger different people.

Nature is smart and loves us and that is why it made us very adaptive. 
That's why it's so important to get out of the system once in a while. That act sharpens our sensitivity. Getting out of the comfort zone does extend our minds. And it definitely let us see parallel worlds around. But I am not sure if it's always good. 

In my average day I do not see people with anorexia or teen gays from homophobic countries. I do not think about suicide. However, I know that these things exist. And I understand the importance of talking about them and taking actions to improve our world. I just do not think our methods are right. 

Mind the gap. 

Friday, November 15, 2013

Middle split in 3 weeks. Day 1

After watching that awesome Volvo video I didn't want to buy a truck, but I wanted to do a middle split. Everyone who always wanted to do a middle split, but never was able to - here is your chance. Pls join me in everyday stretching exercise. How it will work? We will do stretching every day and post a video with a result at the end of the day. How would we do a video? - Instagram will help us. I just made my first. 

C'mon ppl, let's do it! Here is a link to join the page and share results. Like and Share pls. Let's have some fun together

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Почему я занимаюсь спортом

Я люблю контроль. 

Но суть этого поста не в том, чтобы разбираться в причинах этой любви. - На данный момент - это просто как констатацию факта.
Я люблю контроль.
Поэтому, я так долго боялась летать на самолетах; поэтому, я до сих пор нервничаю, когда за рулем не я, а мой любимый Илья - и даже несмотря на то, что Илью я люблю в несравнимое пространство больше, чем контроль - я все равно нервничаю, потому что я люблю контроль.
Иногда, вернее, очень часто, любовь к контролю нужно отпускать погулять на свежий воздух - иначе, просто невозможно построить гармоничные семейные отношения, невозможно насладиться жизнью вокруг и много еще других разных вещей невозможны, когда любишь контроль. Контроль - такая очень требовательная штука - если его любишь, в жертву приносится много других гораздо более интересных вещей - но это как-то не понимаешь сразу. Любовь - слепа.
Так как же быть?
Из собственного опыта - и описанного - ко мне пришло понимание того, что контроль - это иллюзия. Но, как заботливо предупреждают нас все станции метрополитена Торонто - Mind the Gap. (Если разжевать, то "понимать" и "действовать в пользу понимания" это как два острова, между которыми не всегда есть мост - но это тема другого поста).

Так что же делать?

Медитировать!! - воскликнут продвинутые
Бухнуть!! - воскликнут продвинутые немного в другом.

Но да простят меня противники философии Ницше, я нашла свой путь.
Спорт - моя вселенная контроля. Всю свою любовь к контролю я безо-всякого-контроля отдаю спорту;

Контроль положения тела, напряженности мышцы, глубины дыхания.
Спорт - это тоже медитация. В любой момент времени занятия спортом - вне зависимости от его вида, я полностью контролирую процесс - разумеется, на том уровне, на котором я умею. Мое сознание во время тренировки находится не в том, что я поем после и не в том, что было сегодня утром или будет сегодня вечером - мое сознание здесь и сейчас - в натянутости и в растянутости; в выдохе и во вдохе; в движение и в равновесие; в напряжение и в расслабление.
И это мой кайф,
который некоторые склонны получать из куска тортика, бокала вина или выкуренной сигареты, что, безусловно, тоже путь - но только чей-то другой.

А почему любите спорт вы?

Wednesday, February 13, 2013


Curiosity is the only thing that you need to explore the world.

Social networks might give you an illusion that you are alive. That your hand is on the World's pulse.
Reading statuses is not enough. Going to social events, hanging out with "somebody" or other actions do not guarantee you anything, but the Brownian movement.

The real exploration starts from inside. You choose.

Monday, December 26, 2011

I've got my mind set on...?

I committed to post valuable info here. And I am not breaking my promis to you.
I didn't post new stuff on purpose. 

And this purpose is very importnat - it's called patience

Before you start shaping your body, you have to shape up your mind.
Please do not disregard this info. It is crucial for your personal success - shape up your mind first and do not rush!

Trust me. I've been there. Was trying million "FAST DIETS" - it's not gonna work. It is a waste of your time and efforts. You've been living with that body that you have now for a long time. So, if you decided to change something, do not look for a quick solutions - there is non. Set your mind on a journey instead - journey to discover your new you - and I can tell you from experience, it is really fascinating.

Your STEP # 1 is: 
Setting up your mind by visualizing your goal. 

This is it.
FIND it and live for some time with seeing yourself there. You can wait one more day before you start your new life. Spend this day (or a couple of days) with visualizing your new you - it is important.

Set up your personal goals. Visualize them. Print pictures if necessary and put them on your fridge.
You have to realize what your goals look like. You have to see how the end result looks like. Otherwise it is not gonna work.

So, pick up your look. Print it. And set your mind on that. This is your homework for tonight. 

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Another brick in the wall

When I was writing my post yesterday, I forgot to mention one more – extremely important! – reason why not to work out: “I don’t want to have that enormously huge muscles – I am a woman. I don’t need to have a brick wall in the area of my sexy tommy. Besides, all men love women with little tummies“
Sure, ladies… You think it is that easy to build that brick wall that can be seen while your muscles are relaxed? Or maybe you are afraid of huge biceps? Or legs like those crazy cyclists have?
Are you really afraid of that?
Let me tell you this:
YOU won’t get those muscles. You simply won’t. Under any circumstances. To have that type of muscled body you would need to put yourself on an extremely strict diet. And your body fat needs to be less than 15%.
And one more thing – if you are not maintaining your muscles tone, your muscles will shrink again.
So, please, do not extend your already enormously huge excuse list with that “muscles” issue. 
You won’t get them. Don’t even dream :)

Tuesday, December 13, 2011


There are few options on what to do at 6:30 am.
This is my choice.

If you really love yourself - spend (at least) 30 minutes on some physical activities. But only if you really love yourself. (for those who hate themselves, there are always some donuts available at 6:30am as well).

Remember yourself in a high school?
Remember all that:

"I forgot my homework at home"
"My hard drive crashed with all the info and I haven't done any back ups since the last summer!"

And now, hearing all that from a younger generation, who do you think they lie to? :)

And what about this:

"I don't have time"
"I have 3 little babies and need to change their diapers 12 times per hour - this is my work out"
"I can't do any sport activity because of the trauma I got a year ago"
"I decided to start working out next year. I think that January is a good month to start something new.. Wait, there will be a New Year.. Well, February is for sure then!"
"I have a slow metabolism.. All that activities are not right for me. I am just a different type.. I can only do 15 minutes of Pilates once a month"
"I have a full-time job, I have a full-time bf (gf) - or both - and I am applying for my Master degree next March. I will start running next Summer - after I get an answer from a university"

Sorry Hun, but this is just your excuses! :)

For sure you will always find somebody who's gonna love you just the way you are.
But what about you personally?

You - beautiful you - extremely intelligent with an extraordinary sense of humor. Some people just can't see it. But why? :)

I had different opinions in different periods of my life. And now I am absolutely sure: before any person can see your unique personality, that person first will see your "look".